
Monday 30 January 2012

All teenage mums are bitches?

This topic was set off by a tweet from one of my colleagues and it really bugged me so I thought hey, why not bring it to Solid Mix and get your opinion!

He made this comment:
'White bitches get pregnant and get a show "16 and Pregnant" Black bitches get pregnant and get 30 minutes of Maury. Peak'

I replied saying how does getting pregnant make them bitches, they just made a mistake. And he tweeted back: 'yh cos they loose. That's the wrong mistake to make especially at that age'
I'm about to get really informal here people so pardon my behaviour and language...but... DON'T PISS ME OFF!!! Can you imagine! How does a 16 year old getting pregnant mean she's loose? You'd be surprised how many young girls have sex for the first time and end up pregnant, with or without protection. So what that makes them loose? In what logical way does that make them bitches? Furthermore, if a guy got a girl pregnant at 16 nobody even batters an eyelid! I understand the difference between gender roles is a longstanding social issue and will probably remain so for a long time to come, but that's beside the point. My argument is that you can't make judgements on a person because they made a mistake. Absolutely nobody is above making them and I don't see why a young girl should be labelled just because her mistake meant that she received... a blessing.. at an age that is socially unacceptable.

What are your opinions?



  1. Well the first problem is no female should be referred to as a bitch, like its a normal acceptable thing. It's really not, it quite disrespectful. But despite that I think what he's saying is that many times the media portrays the mistakes of african americans in a negative light, but he does bring up a good point, why do the white girls get a tv show? There has yet to be a black girl on teen mom. The bigger issue is that we are rewarding these girls with a tv show, whether people want to admit or not, instead society needs to do something about this idiocracy of teen pregnancy. It's not just a small mistake. It's huge one, and people aren't getting the fact that the child is the biggest victim at the end of the day. When does this idiocracy stop, who will lay the law down, and stop showcasing such things. From Jersey shore and its violent relationships, and addictive alcholic behaviors, to Secret Life of a teenager, where every other line in that show is includes the word "sex" Smh @ America.

    1. On the bitch issue, yes I totally agree. But on 16 and pregnant, yes they are predominantly white, but there ARE black girls on there too! And maybe, just a thought here, the reason why there aren't that many black girls on the show is because they don't want to be on it? :/ Maybe they just want to keep their business to themselves! Anyway, teenagers watch those shows and see how people their age are struggling to raise kids - they're learning from the mistakes of others. I myself watch it and I think "that shall not be my portion", like look at how amber has turned out as a result of having a baby? Whether it's on tv or not, young people are always going to be exposed to sexual behaviour by people around them - whether it's older siblings, peers etc, it is the way the world is. And you can't just say America, England has the highest teen pregnancy rate in Europe, AND we have our own version of 16 and pregnant titled "underage and pregnant" as well as "teen dad."


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